Four simple, evidence-based tools for happiness.

Mindfulness; Gratitude; Community; Emotional Awareness.
These are more than just trendy words - they are actions anyone can take.
All are proven to improve mood and strengthen resilience.

All the exhibits in our
installation evoke one
or more of the 4 tools.

Mindfulness: a practice of formal meditation, OR any activity that helps you slow down and concentrate, to achieve “flow”.
In our exhibit: Meditation tent, Coloring book pages, Lego blocks, Stressors and Strengths tiles, Mural art, Obelisk reflections.

Emotional Awareness: being able to identify, name and discuss your feelings.

In our exhibit: Mural art, Stressors and Strengths tiles, Obelisk reflections.

Gratitude: making a daily gratitude list literally rewires the brain from a negative to positive outlook.

In our exhibit: Thank-You cards, the “Bring Gratitude” deck (in small wooden box), Meditation tent.

Community: the people you care about, and those who care about you. Humans are social animals. Having at least one close relationship dramatically improves mental health and longevity.

In our exhibit: Experiencing the room with a group of classmates, family or friends helps initiate conversations that can bring people closer. The games and side-by-side activities are a low-stakes way to engage with other people.


Mega BucketList

